Install JSCause


You must have NodeJS installed and running on your system. It should be version 8 or up. You can verify this by running on the terminal:

node --version

Decide where you want JSCause to run your sites

Create an installation directory (folder) in which you want JSCause to run your website. For instance:

/home/your_name/jscause_site (on a Unix-like operation system such as Linux.)


/Users/your_name/jscause_site (on macOs)


C:\Users\your_name\Documents\jscause_site (on Windows)

If you downloaded the stand-alone version

If you downloaded the stand-alone version of JSCause, then you got a zip file named similar to (for example,

Move it to the installation directory you determined in the previous section. Then uncompress it:

If you are on Linux or macOS: On the terminal, go to the installation directory, then use the unzip command:


Replace X.Y.Z with the version found in the zip file name. For example, for 0.9.4-alpha:


If you are on Windows: On Windows Explorer, navigate to the location of the file, then right-click on it and select “Extract All.”

You’ll end up with a directory named jscause.

To start JSCause, go into that new jscause directory, then run the following command:

node jscause

That’s it! If you see INFO: Server 0 listening on port 3000 on the terminal, things went well. If not, please check the troubleshooting section of the documentation.

Important note: The zip package includes example SSL certificates, so you can test out HTTPS with your website. These certificates are not suitable for production! If you use these certs, your users will get a security warning in their browsers. You must provide your own certificates.

If you prefer to use NPM

On the terminal, go to the installation directory you chose in a previous section above. Then follow the instructions on the download page, under the “Option 2: Installation via NPM” section.

Basically, you’ll install JSCause by using the command: sudo npm install -g jscause.

Or if you don’t have access to sudo, then use: npm install jscause (which will install it in ./node_modules/.bin/jscause)

At this point, JSCause will be installed. Either configure your website by following the tutorial or the documentation, or optionally download and unzip the site template.

To run JSCause, run the following command from the configured site directory:


Or if you didn’t use sudo:


That’s it! If you see INFO: Server 0 listening on port 3000 on the terminal, things went well. If not, please check the troubleshooting section of the documentation.

Important note: Like mentioned above, the site template includes example SSL certificates, so you can test out HTTPS with your website. These certificates are not suitable for production! If you use these certs, your users will get a security warning in their browsers. You must provide your own certificates.

Check out the tutorial or the full documentation in order to customize your installation.