Back to basics

JSCause is intended for anyone who wants to use Javascript on the server in an easy, straightforward way.

It will get out of your way for you to focus on your projects.

If you want to combine HTML and code, go ahead and do it. Or if you prefer to keep things separate, sure thing!

Can’t wait to try JSCause out? It’s easy to install. Download it today.

Here is an example “Hello, World!” program in JSCause (notice the embedded Javascript!):

<h3>Hello, World!</h3>
<p>Here are five more greetings:</p>
  <js for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { /js>
    <li>Hello <js= i + '!' /js></li>
  <js } /js>

This will display:

Hello, World!

Here are five more greetings:

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